Cycle of Professional freelancing.

Freelancing ka hauna roho utaona cha mtema kuni. 

Most of you mnaona ni rahisi, msijali, we make it look effortless. So smooth, so seamless. Mngejua tu, behind the scenes ya hii mambo tu, venye iko ju weeh!

Time of plenty.

Hii ndio hukuwa the good times of freelancing. Everything goes so well, you might be tempted to forget the devil, trouble or whatever scares the shit out of you even exists.

Hii part uko na jobs most na ka mullah kanaingia vizuri ndio hukuwa na element tricky. Usipojichunga utaanza kujiwekea mafuta na kuwasha moto ya kujikaranga later on.

Hii ni ka ukiride bike downhill mambo iko nyweeeeee... Unasikia fiti aje. Saa hizo, mfuko yako imejaa kujaa, unaanza kuimba ka Jimw@t.

๐ŸŽถPesa hazitoshei mfuko 
ziko kwa kikapu๐ŸŽถ

Hii stage hukuwa bitter sweet. Sweet in that, uko in the best deals, una work at optimal level and the money is good, very good. Bitter in the case uko busy all the time, time ya ku relax, interactions na kuwa burnt out.

The plateau stage.

Hii stage, jobs kuanza kuflow na a slower pace than before. Hii stage huwa unaona ka uko na bahati ju jobs zina flow na rate fiti na unaweza pumua. Hii stage ndio hukuwa na warning signs. Ukiwa mjanja utacheki tu hio sign dry spell ahead na siongelei ile ya mechi bana.


Hapa ndio hu reveal everything about a professional freelancer. Hapa ndio the true test hukuja ka uko real ama were you just faking.

Then pap! dry season begins. Hapa ndio ile time haukuwa na akili time ulikuwa na dooh ndio utaona maajab. 

Utakuwa zile za

๐ŸŽถMungu wangu,
e wajua sababu, 
kwa nini niyapitie haya..๐ŸŽถ


Time ya dry season ndio hukuwa na nuksi tu. Hapa ndio huwa unapata mimba ina sneak in, gas, shopping ya hao na tokens inaisha.

Saa hio umemedi na ugali na chumvi bana, landlord naye yuko on your back ka mtoto hajaanza kutembea na madeni zenye uko nazo, wooi! Zikiweza kugeuzwa zikuwe kura, unaweza jipata umeingia Statehouse bila stress.

Time ya dry season ndio hukuwa na nuksi mob ajab. Hapa ndio utapata mimba ina sneak in, gas, shopping ya hao na tokens inaisha. The only time naona salaried people wanaweza relate na hii stage ni 64 days of January pekee. After hapo, eeei sidhani.

Hii stage ni critical for growth of your freelancing journey ju ile kujituma utajituma kumake hizo connections, kulearn about your business and other important stuff, ogopa.


To better understand this stage imagine and visualize yourself umeenda 72hrs without food, then after upate food in little quantities, one after another at irregular intervals. 

Hivyo ndio recovery period hukuwa. Jobs zinaanza kuja one by one, spaced out, right when uko karibu kuchizi ama your options for finances ziko in the very brink of extinction.

Then the cycle repeats itself, over and over again.


  1. Ati landlord ako kwa mgongo yako kama mtoto hajaanza kutembea๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ you stupid ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


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