One day I was sitting in a room with my then two friends, and I remember we were puffing on Manchester cigarettes one after the other talking about life. As I drew my hands into a box sachet to pull another cigar out , my friend, Max, looked at me and asked me a question that made me look into my life. He asked, 


why do you live a double life?" 

And before I could even think of an answer, my other friend Zue said, 

"Sai unavuta kuvuta, 

the next minute billboards ziko all over Nairobi 

zikiread (niko smoke free) 

na picha yako apo" 

I looked at them with guilt then uttered some gibberish words 

"me siishi double life.” 

I immediately took my bag said goodbye to them, and left. As I was walking to the house I had rented not so far from school, I got myself into an inner talk and asked myself so many questions like 

How did I get here? 

What led me to being in a situation where there are many images that I portray to different people?


I had so many questions but no answer was coming from within, nor anyone to help me answer because I had so many fans than friends. Many people looked at me and saw a role model or mentor believing that I was flawless. I became afraid to face my demons each and every day.

Getting to my house door, I was already thirsting  for another cigar. So I struggle for a while opening the door so so that I can quickly dash inside, and pull out another cigarette and smoke while lying on my bed.

I felt so cool doing that. 

It made my problems fly away like a freed bird. I felt like 1, 2, 3, 4, or even 7 cigars understood me better than anyone else. They were definitely my only solace. As a light weight (laughs) I would become super tipsy, fall flat on my bed and sleep not thinking of, when I will wake up, or what I would eat.

Dear reader I know you are wondering where I'm heading with this story, but trust me it's worth the wait, if only you promise you will always click on Letstoriesunfold link everyday. 


To be continued…….


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