Hold up..?

Life nowadays is like the game, Grand theft Auto. Thievery, betrayal, cons, and fornication left, right and center. Forcing you to be always alert, like the gazelle on the savannah grasslands, always on guard because the moment you let your guard down, they unleash their expertise on you without breaking a sweat or batting an eye.


Reputation is, and has been everything since the beginning of time. From the days of Samson to Genghis Khan to Napoleon to Dedan Kimathi. Reputation is priceless power, it can make or break you. Never in my wildest dreams or terrible nightmares would have I ever imagined or thought it would happen to me.

Hold up…

I know you don’t have a faintest clue what I’m about to delve into, or maybe you do. Have you ever experienced identity theft or has it ever occurred to you in this life? Relax and let the story unfold on how it all went down.

I was at hustle that day, kibarua as the layman call it. It was koroga. I had no other option left, all my other income streams had dried up completely. I know y’all say fear women but fear being broke.

Worst feeling ever.

After work, I head home calculating on a few things. One, how I was going to convince someone’s daughter to come over to massage me good. Nilisikia kama mwili si yangu kabsaa! Two, what and how I was going to eat. Three, if I was ever going to go back again tomorrow.


The moment I get home, I throw myself on the bed, to lie there for a minute or two to relax my sore muscles, and thereafter I decide on the next course of action. Before I even get a chance to breath, my phone starts to ring. I stretch out my hand to pick the phone to look at who is calling. It’s my cousin, Eva. She was beautiful no doubt, plus she was among the few cousins the vibe wasn’t forced, it was just there. 

It’s not like the rest of the family look like Shrek 
ni sura personal.


Good looks run in our bloodline. Eva was like the crown jewel. Back to the story… It’s been a while since Eva called me. I picked to know what’s up

“Niaje, siku mingi nichapie..”

“Leo nimejua..”

“Umejua nini..?”

“Kumbe.., huwa unataka kunichew na hausemi,”
“ ukaamua ka mbaya mbaya leo..?”

“Eva kwani leo uko matingz..?”

“Fuck you bana kwani unataka kula hadi watu wenu?”

She goes on telling me how I was wooing her, kujaribu kumwingiza box. Unlike other phone conversations we have had, this time is different. She is downright mean and her voice is icy and I can tell she is fucking pissed. I cut her short..

“cheki, kunywa maziwa zishuke..”

“Hautanipigia kelele ka mtoto”

“na hakuna shit nimeduu”

“Kuja tuongee ka watu wazima..,”

“unisho hii story ya ufala umetoa wapi.”

That month was a struggle. I was at the receiving end of bad shit. Eva confronted me, and a couple girls in town when I was running some errands. I decided enough was enough. It had to stop. This women couldn't keep dropping their frustrations on me every damn time! I meet up with Eva, to try to find out the root cause of all the shit I had experienced that month and end the damn loop of accusations being piled on me.


  1. I really love reading your stories it really makes me thrilled after a hard day's work. Am interested to know what happened with Eva in your next chapter of story.��

  2. Wow, very nice piece for real..... πŸ’―✅

  3. Come on haiwezi kua imeishia hapoπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ you are one mean mfπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  4. Why leave us hanging lyk that?...Steril imagination on point though😍

  5. ni aje hukudishi eva πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  6. Buana kwani next part inakuja lini?


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