Locked up part 2

Okay, so mimi uyo ndani. 

Msee, remand is hell, real hell. It stinks of shit everywhere, guys are dirty, food is rare, and damn, things like toothpaste, tissue and innerwears are a story from another universe

I hated the little food and could eat for two days. On the 3rd day, some scrawny looking fool tried to make friends and even offered me some better looking food. I was tempted to take the food, but I am a man and I don't take favours from men. So I simply refused the food.

The next day out of hunger, I battled with the half ugali, half uji paste. Hunger is a great motivator I am telling you. in a few seconds I was done and licking fingers as I wondered why they serve so little food in jail. 


However, the rugged fella kept on bringing and offering me meat, good ugali and some bananas. Man! Its not easy being a WOMAN. 

If thats how we MEN tempt you with nice stuff, I forgive you for having 7 to 10 boyfriends. Man! This guy even brought me bread, but as I said, I am a man and I don't take favours from men kindly. 

I hated the guy since then and swore that next time that he brings the "nice" food to me, I would feed it to him via his ASS.. and that is exactly what I did.

-- well,

not exactly 


How can a man, just bring me food just like that manze. Just like when women know when a man is up to splitting them. I knew by accepting that food could be a signed ticket to--- 

Well, you know where. and that made me promise myself that I'll smash it on the fuckers face the next time he tries that shit again. 

When he brught in on the 7th day, I took it, tasted it, and in a split seconds slamed the hard bucket like plate on the fuckers face so hard his face may have been carved on that plate. 

War broke out, the moment I did so and I was roughed up like hell. These guys are never alone. I fought for a few minutes but I was been beaten up big time, but believe you me, that was the beginning of a life saving friendship. 

Men respect you when you act like one.

By the way guys get raped in remand or prison when they accept favours. I saw one new guy on my last week, literally get pinned down by two men who, well, lets not go there.

During my stay in remand I made friends. I started discussing my case with learned guys, and had a story sewn real good for my defense. 

There are professionals in remand by the way. 

aristocrats and politicians. 

Some are detained actually. I was advised on what to say, how to see the girl and ask her to testify for me, how to bribe the court clerk and stuff etc.

Long story short I was out on Bond and later won the case and was paid for damages. About the girl, she is now in Italy-studying things to do with marine biology. Rich kids don't really study in Africa by the way.

Now about violence, Brothers if you someone wants to fight you please run away. If anyone hits you ignore it and walk away. 

Violence can earn you many years in jail time. I was almost spending 5 years of my life, 5 years! in jail if I could not have met the guys who helped me strategize my way out.


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