The Phenom Will Rise™

Oh I am a wreck

Everything I touch I break

From hearts to promises

I always end up with regrets

Is it me 

is there somebody else 


inside my body?

I don’t feel like myself


I plan to get up the next morning 

go to work

But night comes 

I can’t sleep 

so I don’t come out of this bed 

in sunrise 

because I feel exhausted 

and I can’t relax

There comes a time 

I don’t even know 

what date or time it is

I just exist 

in the moment 

trying to run away from reality

This is a 100km race

Am sweating and panting profusely 

but I don’t see the finish line 

after an everlasting race

I might lose it already 

hope is cascading

I might be fading

beyond recognition

I don’t recognize this man 

I have grown to be

Am growing less each day of my life 

I have a son who looks up to me

I believe he does 

maybe he doesn’t

I just can’t contemplate 

How do I raise a Son 

when I can’t see the glory of the sun?

How will I explain to a little kid 

that his daddy has not done enough 

to raise him

How will I live with myself 

knowing very well 

that I failed 

as a parent?


I have no answers 

All I got 

is more questions to self

self is a silent sad being

Yes I am a man 

My dick can confirm it 

am I innot man enough 

Not this time




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