Tales of Jezebel, Part 4 - Let's see

Part 4..😁


“come on don’t be stupid.”

“You escaped death by a whisker yesterday,”


“you want to go back..?”

She looked into my eyes, saw the firm determination in them to go get my things sighed, she then said,

“I’ll go get them for you after we eat.”


When she said that, I just turned back, and went back to sit down. Soon the food was ready, and she served us both. The food was delicious, it’s aroma captivating, making my mouth water moments before I even had my first bite. 

We ate in silence, each one concentrating seriously on his or her plate. Only when we finished wiping our plates clean of any morsel of food, did I comment that the food was indeed amazing.

From her reaction, I saw that the comment had a positive impact. She then asked me the directions to Talia’s place to get my stuff and off she went. 

After what seemed like forever, she came back. I can’t piece together what happened up there, but when she came back, ooh boy! She was all flirty and had the naughty smile on.

From that moment, our interaction started slowly morphing into a fully fledged relationship as months went by. With our incredible activities under the sheets, it was only a matter of time before a baby or two was on the way. I got to know her mother first as both her father and brother were in Germany.

She had moved in with me and life was moving on smoothly with each day that passed, it took me a step closer into being a father. 

From the frequent antenatal visits we had, we soon found out she was expecting twins, a boy and a girl. I was away out of the country on a three day business trip when she called me telling me her water had just broke.

I was calm and collected as she told me, excited as a school girl. I then assured her that all is well, help was on the way. I called my sister up to rush Ann to the hospital to deliver. My sister didn’t fail me as she responded swiftly with the urgency that it required.

She called me moments later informing me Ann had just been wheeled into the delivery room that very minute and she would call me later when Ann had delivered. The call came an hour and a half later. 

I could hear my sister's voice was heavy with grief and as she racked her brain, looking for ways to tell me what happened, to soften the blow, I braced myself for some really bad news.

“The delivery.., ”

“went on well,”

“but I’m afraid..,”

“one of the twins didn’t make it.”

I told my sister to stay with Ann for as long as it takes as I make my way there. I was informed that the delivery was a heavy one for Ann and as soon as it ended, she became unconscious. 

The surviving baby cried a little when she was spanked, tagged and put in an incubator as they waited for the mother to gain consciousness.

When she woke up, she found me beside her holding her hand. She then requested one of the nurses and told her that she wanted to see her babies. 

She was brought, 

only one

the baby that had survived


she immediately inquired 

the reason why 

from the nurse.

When the answer was slow in coming, Ann then took a quick look at my face, and realized things were not alright. The nurse read the atmosphere in the room, quickly excused herself and left me the burden of telling her.

If you have missed Tales of Jezebel 

part 3 - Woah, 

here it is.

Tales of Jezebel part 3 - Woah


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