May 2

A creative like me has remembered and is celebrating when the creative child of the said creative was born. I won’t lie or pretend but it surely triggered a memory, a memory of the day I started Letstoriesunfold™.  Nike should just sign me already because their tagline, “Just do it” I ran with it like Omanyala or Kipchoge.

I didn't know jack shit on how to go about it.

I just had one terrific story. Didn't even have a name for it at the time. I just crafted a site, put the story there, and shared the link. Everyone who read that first production was wowed by it, except for a select few. 

In the blink of an eye, I started creating an audience hungry for my crazy stories. From that day, till now I’m thankful, to my audience, to the amazing creatives who have contributed to Letstoriesunfold, appreciation is in order.

I have dared, made so many mistakes, and learned a thing or two along the way. The most important thing, however, is how my amazing content interacts, and continues to interact with my audience without fail. How it entertains, helps them unwind, teaches them, zooms them out of their worries and frustrations, etc.

You may add on the comment section, 
how Letstoriesunfold™ has, is, and continues to resonate with you.

Here with you, on the bad, good, or any other type of day, always remember that Letstoriesunfold got you💯. One more thing, bring it back ka TBT, the first story to ever be on Letstoriesunfold. Link coming up shortly


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Is a pleasure to keep you as my reader entertained. Peace✌️

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