No cap

 In my loneliness 

I have been thinking about houses

Big flat roofs away in an island

Big flamboyant tv sets in every room

Big kitchen with a huge fridge filled with Beef 

Big cars in the parking lot

Everyday I pull up 

in a different branded buggati

Black sun glasses not to bounce off sun's rays

But to erase my sadness from people's thoughts

when they look into my pupils

Big buggy army coat nude chest outside 

They will say I am living my life

the life

What they will never know is...

I am hiding 

behind someone 

who is believed to be me

Big payslip

Armed to the the tooth 

with G bags in a back pack

A 'Big' mini bar is my heaven 

Whisky Angels keep shouting to me Hallelujah

Black KEG on a cylinder 

right beside my Big Bed of Roses

I would remain drunk 

for as long as I live

For the soul purpose of escaping reality

Vast collection of Poetry anthologies on my library

Huge chunks of cash stashed in my pocket 

just incase I need to bribe 

for excessive indulgence in my own human rights

Massive durabilities and strength

my work outs in the gym finally paying off

All the sweat, tears and blood

In the name of finding the perfect body posture

In the name of finding a lovable body size

When you live like a god people tend to bow to you

People respect, easily forgive and never forget you

Reacting to your moves without any question 

even if 

it's your ego that you dish to them 

in plenty

Great opportunities come calling

But deep inside you are drowning

You want space, food, money, none judgemental friends 


a huge cup of Black KEG!

The rest is just but a consequence of forced luck


By Kinaya.


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