Muosho mmoja
Eeeei! Eeeei!
The memory came to me fresh of how I had done just that, when I looked into the faces of Manchester United fans before the game had even started the way they had beaten their chest with pride and ego that they will win the opening game.
Boy! Were their faces a joy to look at, I kid you not, after being thrashed and handled properly by Brighton, each retreating to one's place sulking and silenced by the first defeat of the season.
As I look back to the time I’m about to narrate to you I can’t help but chuckle and smile. At that point in time, I was a young blood, fresh from high school, with a few hairs on my chinny chin, a dashing face, and a ferocious appetite for fun and adventure.
I was all over the place clubbing, hangouts, hiking, etc.
You name it, I was there.
Unfortunately for such activities, it was only a matter of time before the financial well I was drawing into, started to indicate that it’s just a matter of time before it ran completely dry.
That late morning I had woken up really thirsty, nursing a hangover that seemed to aim to torment me the moment I was awake, with someone’s daughter on my bed, naked as Eve in the garden of Eden before she had a conversation with the snake and bit into the forbidden fruit who I could hardly remember her name.
I picked up my phone and started scrolling through it as walked over to the kitchen to pour myself some water to drink.
As I scrolled through, I remembered that there was a deal I had given out my email address to and thus I decided to open my Gmail to find out if by any luck it had borne any fruits.
I had a couple of emails, many of them were notifications from Twitter emanating from tackles that had gone down the night before.
As I proceeded to delete them one by one, I noticed one email, in particular, which had an unusual subject line,
“I need help.”
That got me curious about it and I proceeded to open it to find out what it said. It read;
“Hello, hope you are well.”
“If you are in a position to help me, kindly reply to this email.”
My curiosity was intensified by that short, brief, and precise email, and I soon found myself replying to the email asking the recipient of the email, what help would I be able to provide.
The replies would come by after 24 hours most of the time. As days went by, the owner of the email revealed a bit about themselves. First it was her name then her gender came next plus the kind of assistance she needed from me.
I was just about to let her down nice and easy as there are some conversations you just see they are going nowhere. Her next statement made my attention shoot up real quick.
She had seventy million euros but there were a couple of obstacles hindering her from getting her money. She said my assistance to her was clearing the obstacles. She said she needed me to top up the amount she had.
The next part was more interesting, she told me my share was my contribution over total contribution in the percentage of seventy million euros. I did some quick calculations in my head and wait for it, found out that I would gross over two billion shillings!
The amount I was to raise to be able to make things happen, you know get things rolling so I could secure the bag, was no joke thus it presented quite a challenge for me.
This prompted me to go incognito for a few days to plan how to get that amount.
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Is a pleasure to keep you as my reader entertained. Peace✌️