🎶Disco matanga🎵

The story will start with a part from Sauti Sols and Sho Madjozi's song Disco Matanga

🎶Disco matanga🎵
🎶Disco ma Huwezi kunikosa🎶

I had always thought clubbing was fun until I experienced it. You might have heard the saying, whoever doesn't travel thinks the mother is the undisputed cook. 

I had decided to tour a bit, walk a bit on God's green earth you know. Ladyluck seemed to be shooting her shot at me because I was hosted by a jolly good fellow called Yohana.

On my second day, we are just chilling and talking about various shit when Yohana mentions something,

“unakumbuka yule Boyz uligotea juzi, time ulifika huku?”

I'm curious about the shit he's telling me so I sit up  attentive and urge him to continue.

“Mzae wake manze,”

“alienda kukaa na ma ancestors”

“Tuvuke matanga kesho.”

I agreed, half of the reason is that I expected it to be like the matangas I have attended. 


sit through a brief service, 

be informed of the order of the funeral slated for the next day 

then you are served some food or tea and afterwards you go home.

What I didn't know was that I was walking into a whole new experience. The next day had us arriving the Kenyan way. The compound was filled with people, and the aroma directed us to where we found a bite to eat.

I noticed that the body had arrived and the coffin had been placed under a tent.  The service seemed to be going on forever when it was cut short abruptly. 

The one who was speaking at the service found himself as a locked target as balls of ugali furiously descended on him from all directions. He literally fled to avoid being thrown at food and it was a funny sight I kid you not.

Unaweza dhania vituko ziliishia hapo but zii. The moment huyo msee alijiondoa, ngoma iliwashwa. Wasee walikatika mpaka asubuhi hadi the whole place inanuka jasho.


Kulikuwa na vita kadhaa, food, laughter and dance. As we buried the body on the third day, we sure had celebrated the life that had left the earth.


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