
 By the time you will be reading this, valentine's could be in the distant past. That day could ignite so many possibilities, a new born nine months later, a heartbreak, death, sadness, happiness a new discovery or confirmation.
If I told you I had plans for valentine's I would be lying. A couple of daughters of Eve had tried to find out my plans for that day by asking slyly by making comments like this, and more
“Najua tu..”
“huyo mamaa wako, ”
“si umempangia mazuri”
I kept my face unreadable like a guy who was playing poker and they were left in the mystery just like it's supposed to be. Monday didn't start so well but the ending was better than I hoped. I received a connection to go discuss how we may go about hyping and promoting a certain brand. 
I'm excited, because I know this gig will connect to another and another and it will be this wonderful experience of enjoying the fruits of using the road not taken.
Early the next day, which happens to be valentine's, I'm up early, full of energy. I prepare to go to seal the deal, but there's one challenge though, it's a new route. New routes are crazy, you are at the mercy of maps, asking for directions from watu wa nduthi, or just passersby, but it's even crazier if you are using public transportation. 
You are at the mercy of the conductor. If by any reason, the conductor decides your face isn't something welcoming, prepare yourself for a bigger inconveniencing that you have never experienced. It's either the conductor will pass where you intended to alight by a few miles, or make you alight just a few miles from where you intended to alight.
I'm using public transport, matwana culture which is recognized and admired as our very own band of online soldiers known as KOT. Heading over to the place, my worry of getting to the place is a bit low because before I boarded I had that ka small meeting with the conductor to see if knows the place and of course to negotiate the fare downwards.
I alight at the stage that the conductor indicates it's the one nearest to the building where the meeting is scheduled to take place and I proceed to get to the meeting. The meeting doesn't go as well as I thought. The meeting ends and as I get to the stage, conductors start fighting over me. I won't lie to you it felt good.  I take a seat in the matatu as I wait for it to fill up.
Taking out my phone, I scroll through several apps before I settle on Twitter. I happen to stumble into this Twitter feed of someone being roasted properly and I can't help myself, I'm laughing so hard, until this sweet perfume hits my nostrils. I turn to see this lady, beautiful as the sunset wearing this dazzling smile. She notices I'm looking at her, she goes 
“Heeey stranger..,”
“I'm Nana.”

I extended my hand, returned her greeting then utilized that opening to the fullest. I can't help but wonder, huyu ndio atafanya nitoke soko ka venye traders wa Nyamakima na Kamukunji wanajaribu kutoa China Square soko?


  1. This is a beautiful piece...I love how you engaging to explain further on things that we will probably not understand..other thank all I am Impressed...keep up

  2. Indeed let stories unfold,,you my brother are a dope story teller

  3. Kali my G
    Kijanaaa ratish��


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