Hold up, the confrontation.

On every step you take, you must think of and take into account the potential risks, if the potential risks are worth it, the benefits and the negatives. I thought hard and long about how I’m going to handle the situation, kind of reminded me of the Jesma examination series. 

The first thing that I sorted out was the location of where I’m going to congregate and meet all the ladies who were throwing accusations at me.  This was to be somewhere that was public, yet provided decent privacy in order clear any silly thoughts of any of them thinking that what they had accused me had any weight at all. 

Two, timing of the meetup, it was to be done as soon as possible if I took too long, it would seem like I was sanitizing the accusations. I needed witnesses around me, there could be a likelihood of someone crying wolf and sending me to the ghoul where I would have to send someone to the depths of hell when he confuses me with the opposite gender and  attempts to try work on my sitting apparatus.

Nikampanga tu kila kitu ikawa sawa, location ni pale King's Park BYOB place ingine imetulia, iko tu na ambience za good vibes and inshallah, siku nikawapangia, nikaweka itakuwa the next Thursday na pia time nikawapanga. 

Nikawachapia wote wakuje na evidence na kama msee hana evidence anatoboka 5k tu clean ju ya kupeleka mdomo na accusations ka mtu ana drive mzigo pale choo after tumbo yake imeguruma ka zile lorry za FH. 
Anyway, nikaingia shughuli one two za kutafuta shillingi hio wiki yenye Eva alikuwa amenipigia simu ikaisha tukaingia wiki ingine ya ile Thursday nilikuwa nimewapangia ikaingia. Shughuli hapa na pale hadi Thursday hapo mid morning. Kiasi kiasi nimerudi mtaani ni freshen up naskia Eva amenitext,

“Bado tuna meetup ile place ulinisho?”

Eeei nikashangaa kwani Eva anadhani sitatokea. That nilikuwa namchapia story za jaba nikimshow tumeet tu sort issue ilikuwa at hand. Like I said reputation ni kila kitu bana, so I replied back to her,
“Yes, I’ll be there.”
“Don’t be late”
Nikamaliza kufreshen up, nikatokea. Nikawakuta kumbe walikuwa washafika pale King's Park BYOB a while ago ni mimi wanangoja. Ungenicheki hapo ungedhani nimeingia kwa role ya hii reality show the bachelorettes.
Kufika tu hivi, kuangalia tu venye wako, Eva and the other ladies ni kama walikuwa wamekuja ready for war. Ni kama Volcano iko karibu kuerupt venye hukaa, fuming and everything. Nikajua hapa ni kuwa mtararatibu ni kama venye mimi hucheki kwa screen bomb experts wakidetonate bomb. Wakiblunder tu hivi, boom! Wamepelekwa kwa baba. Hapa nikaona lazima nicheze smart ju one wrong move matatizo.

Nikaenda place walikuwa wamechill nikawagotea, small talk kidogo ya ku diffuse the tension,
then tukaget right into what brought us there. 

First thing nikawasho hapa ni ku act kama civilized people, so hakuna unnecessary noise, kila msee anaongea when it’s her turn to speak na hakuna kuinterrupt mwingine. Two, hakuna kurusha threats ama unnecessary allegations bila proof to back it up. Three, hakuna kudeflect from issue at hand, kudeflect ovyo ovyo haikubaliki. Lastly nilikuwa nataka ikuwe as brief as possible.

Tulikuwa tumekaa in a circle kiplani, so nikawachapia turn ya msee tunaenda vi clockwise. Sasa ikawa ni kama tuko pale kortini mtu anatoa evidence yake kusupport kitu alikuwa ana claim. Wa kwanza akaonyesha, nikaona weeh haijaanza vizuri. Wa pili ikawa hivyo hivyo. Wa tatu, wanne, na watano ikawa story ya jaba tu, hakuna proof, hakuna anything.

Venye ilikuja kwa Eva ndio mambo ikachemka.

Huyo gaidi alini impersonate sijui alitoa ID yangu wapi akaregister nayo sim card na pic yangu. Nilikuwa naonyeshwa tu WhatsApp messages, eeei gaidi alikuwa na bidii na mistari bana! Alafu kiasi kiasi narushwa side ya Mpesa, naona huyo gaidi amount alikuwa anatumia Eva, ka thao hapa, ka punch pale, rwabe pia inarushwa kwa mix. Alafu gaidi anakopa Eva loan ya kama thao sita after amemrushia tu dooh Mpesa for a while.

Wa mwisho ndio alikuwa ameanza kurushiwa ndoano, so kesi strong ikawa ya Eva na madem wengine wawili. Nikawasho waweke bait sahio wamtext venye wamemkufia then mwenye atarepliwa most favourably ndio atamcall a set up a date.


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