What do they do?

What do they do Those working 8 am to 8 pm Monday to Sunday What do they do With their free time They drink They smoke They indulge in quick fun Coz they know It's only a few hours to work Having to wash, buy, visit, rest, talk to, tend to this and that in a span of a few hours No time for dates and flirting games Quick sex No time to boil meat Quick snack They have a lot to say but settle on small chitchat Once believers of dreams Now they are just but slaves of time Have barely two choices in life One is hard to choose The other already chosen for them Headaches over deadlines Misfits Taking a cold shower trying on different suits Doesn't make you fresh Only way to forget is to get drunk Or lay with someone who won't ask questions This is life for many of us It's how we thrive As long it puts food On other people's tables and you look hardworking infront of their eyes you are good Time waits for no man Norman's clock ha...