No cap

In my loneliness I have been thinking about houses Big flat roofs away in an island Big flamboyant tv sets in every room Big kitchen with a huge fridge filled with Beef Big cars in the parking lot Everyday I pull up in a different branded buggati Black sun glasses not to bounce off sun's rays But to erase my sadness from people's thoughts when they look into my pupils Big buggy army coat nude chest outside They will say I am living my life the life What they will never know is... I am hiding behind someone who is believed to be me Big payslip Armed to the the tooth with G bags in a back pack A 'Big' mini bar is my heaven Whisky Angels keep shouting to me Hallelujah Black KEG on a cylinder right beside my Big Bed of Roses I would remain drunk for as long as I live For the soul purpose of escaping reality Vast collection of Poetry anthologies on my library Huge chunks of cash st ashed in my pocket just incase I need t...