The storm.

A broken bone heals but a broken soul gets used to the pain. I absent-mindedly stared at Miranda yapping about things I didn’t care about. “J..!!” “Damn girl, are you even listening..?” Her pupils looked dilated and I couldn't help but notice how dark they were. “Huh..?” “I am really sorry, you were saying..?" I sipped my coffee to hide my frown “Do you have a crush on me..?” She smirked “eeeewwww..!!!!” “NOOO!” We both bust into laughter while she signalled the waiter to pay our bill. We were headed to Miranda's place where we found Mason was already there. He was deeply engrossed in a movie because he just waved at us and continued with watching. Miranda was, if I may, a goddess. From the top to the bottom everything was just perfect. A tiny waist that would fit into every dress, and a smooth and glowing skin to top it all off. She was lucky with men who loved her inside out. but me? Damn I was the exact opposite. Buggy T-shirts to hide my small emerging...