Continuation from HOUSE ALWAYS WINS 1 Something snapped inside me, I came at him quick, a kick at the groins to buy me ample time to calculate my next attack, some quick attacks here and there, while trying to evade his blows and kicks. Some kicks and blows from him found their way to me, blinding me for a moment, other times forcing me to connect with solid ground eating dust. It was now between me and him, adrenaline pumping, fists flying, dust swirling. Right there and then, I was certain that was how I was going to go. The next moment I decided to have a taste of gambling was one year after legally turning into an adult. I had one clear cut objective with gambling, to use it as a means to chase the bag, gunia or mtungi. I wanda! Like all things in life or in a game, we moved to the next level, gambling at casinos. Movies and films make gambling in casinos look easy. I could have gone to Hades happy, swing by and said hello to Dedan Kimathi, show...